Our Story

Twaksati in Sanskrit means beautiful creations by hand.
Twaksati believes Each one of us is unique. We are inspired by creative individuality; each of our products is infused with the identity of its craftsman. Be it our grandmother creating those handmade wonders or our ultrons who create fusion arts.
We invite you to become part our story, give gifts with meaning and shop responsibly.

Our motto: Always Handmade.

We do not have any story as such but are inspired by our ancestors, grandmothers aunts, in my case my own mother who crafted magic be it a rug, a quilt or a decorative wall piece. Art & artistry are fast fading in the time flow and creative ideas remain the domain of ad agencies or corporate adges think out of the box. At Twaksati, we encourage all to nurture the creative self and bring forth their vision of beauty, utility or convenience in whatever form they choose to. This was our food for thought behind Twaksati.
While creating Twaksati we met a lot of artists and artisans who have taken it as part time passion. Our creative artists in the villages have often told me that their art will die with them as their children do not see much money in this. Their kids are mostly migrating to city life after passing High School.
Thus born was Twaksati beautiful creation by hand , we pledge to bring in a change in perception and create a sustainable income generation model lucrative enough for a parent who will tell his child to pursue his/her art as a career choice or inspire a child to take this up as a trade
We also acknowledge the art lovers out there whose constant passion and wish to own handmade art will drive this initiative.
As we move on, our story will add chapters of love passion and success of art and artistry with YOU as the agent of change of the story. Your love and appreciation will get us going!

Our Artists

We work side by side with our crafts men in order to help them build and expand their reach and build their business from ground up. They are both rural and urban, both young and old, skilled and amateurs . We honor and respect them. Even if they bring to us just one piece of their creativity, we would make it our task to get it across to the right person.

We profess Fair Trade

Although handling individually hand made products attracts higher cost and less profit than mass produced goods, we at Twaksati feel that the benefit to Artists, Artisans, Craftsmen and Art lovers is worth the effort. Through transparent profit-sharing,
we intend to build a stronger network for creative communities to gain recognition of their craft, increase income and ensure the continuation of their heritage. We do not offer unrealistic discounts.

Our Vision

An evolved society where Art and Artisans are held in great honor, respected and are allowed to flourish in their own stature and scheme. We wish to see our upcoming Generation to take up the Subject Art with great pride and it be considered as a niche profession in the country.

There is more than just selling beautiful creative products!

Join Us!

We call on all creative artists to join us! If you have just one product, Twaksati can provide a platform for you to showcase your skills. If you are a collector interested in the crafts of India, let us know what you would like to see made available and will do our best to locate an authentic source.

Own your own piece of India’s craft heritage and help ensure its future! The fight is not with Machines but with ourself not to let its creativity die. Keep watching for all the exciting things Twaksati offers you!

Our logo Twaksati means beautiful creations by hand while the symbol represents India’s national bird Peacock. It depicts India’s rich art and cultural heritage. The Peacock’s body and tail is in the form of a hand which represents creations by hand.